Felix Stump

Felix Budwell Stump was an admiral in the United States Navy and Commander, United States Pacific Fleet from July 10, 1953 until July 31, 1958.

Stump was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, spent his early life there and was appointed to the United States Naval Academy in 1913. He served in the gunboat Yorktown and as navigator aboard the cruiser Cincinnati during World War I in the Atlantic. After the war he served in the predreadnought battleship Alabama. Shortly thereafter Stump attended flight training at the Naval Air Station Pensacola in 19201921 followed by postgraduate instruction in Aeronautical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1923 to 1925 he was a Naval Flight Officer in Torpedo Squadron Doer Birds of the experimental carrier Langley. He commanded the Cruiser Scouting Wing in 19281929 and served on the Staff of Commander Cruisers, Scouting Fleet in 19301931. Stump was Commanding Officer of Saratoga s ScoutBombing Squadron in 19361937. From 1938 to 1939 he served as Navigator of Lexington160. Promoted to Commander in 1940, he served as Executive Officer of Enterprise.

Source: Wikipedia